
At this time, the handbills started appearing. And also an anonymous new “Constitutional Draft”. And from the General Post Office, what became known as the notorious inflammatory telegram, was also sent. (I shall report on these materials shortly via the reproduction of a newspaper article).

Károly Király had just arrived back from surgery in Budapest, and we agreed that we would petition the attorney’s office to investigate who had sent the telegram from the post office, who had written the handbills, etc., and that the culprits should be indicted.

In local newspapers, both Romanian and Hungarian post office clerks demanded that it should be discovered which colleagues sent the telegram inciting anti-Hungarian feeling and calling for violent action. This demand was in vain.

I thought it would do no harm to encourage the attorney’s office to discover the culprits. Towards the end of January, I rang Gheorghe Andreicuţ, the Romanian county attorney-general. He answered that it was impossible to discover who had sent the telegram (let me note that postal clerks swear to the opposite) and further, that the anonymous “Constitutional Draft” was simply that – a draft of a bill – and that its investigation was not the task of the attorney’s office.

I felt that the situation was giving rise to so much anxiety that I had to turn to public opinion through the press, and I wrote my article entitled “Through Incitement Against Equal Rights”. Unfortunately, this article was not published by the Magyar Szó (Hungarian Word – the Hungarian-language daily) of Romania, (though the last paragraph was published weeks later), nor by the Neuer Weg (New Road – the German-language daily of Bucharest). But then it wasn’t published by Budapest’s Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation) either.

I ask you to read what I tried to draw to the attention of public opinion at the end of January: