Pictures, documents
The marks of the bloody volley of shots of December 21, 1989.
Nobody was held responsible for the death of the six martyrs.
The last days of the dictatorship – shields protect the headquarters of the Romanian Communist Party, the old town hall.
And Romanians and Hungarians scramble onto a tank to celebrate
Christmas 1989: the dissidents of the old regime (Doina Cornea, László Tőkés, Károly Király, Mircea Dinescu)
still figure side by side with Ion Iliescu, the protector of the servants of the old system
Károly Király, the old dissident, president of the Mureş county National Salvation Front, national vice-president of same.
Students of the Târgu Mureş Medical University on strike for independent Hungarian language education.
A MOGYE-n megalakult Marosvásárhelyi Magyar Diákszövetség lapjában, a Pulzusban román nyelven válaszolt
Mauris sit amet tortor.9
Mauris sit amet tortor.10
The students of the Bolyai School would like talks.
The answer of the Romanian students.
Smaranda Enache, threatened for standing up for Hungarian language education
A group of the participants of the demonstration with candles and books on February 10, 1990
A Ion Iliescu elnöknek 1990. január 19-én átadott gyergyószentmiklósi memorandum
The medical expert witness report states: a human skull was found in the dog-house of the police in Gheorghieni
The Los Angeles leaflet with the date crudely changed by the Vatra Românească from 1988, Ceaușescu’s time, to 1990.
A helyi román újság „alapoz”. 1988-as szöveget 1990. márciusiként próbál meg feltüntetni
The daily Cuvântul Liber had a contract withVatra Romănească to spread its propaganda
Cameraman István Farkas filming the demonstration with candles and books, who was also hurt on his left eye at the Vatra demonstration in Alba Iulia, and dr. Pál Kikeli, one of the vice-presidents of the Mureş county RMDSZ.
Psychological preparation: a 1985 mural in a local Romanian church depicts the former Hungarian master beating a Romanian saint while Romanian villagers weep
(Transportation) Order 1008, dated march 15: Vatra requisitions the transports that brought armed peasants to
Tîrgu Mureș five days later.
For whom the bell tolls: the Orthodox priest from Ibăneşti interviewed by Dorin Suciu.
A police officer warmly welcoming the people brought in from Hodac to the Palace of Culture from Târgu Mureş.
They set off from here on foot to the RMDSZ headquarters. The photo was taken from behind a curtain.
„Where are the soldiers?”
Hungarian writer András Sütő, minus eye, after his protection at the hands of Colonel Ioan Judea
Mauris sit amet tortor.28
March 20: the opposing crowds gather, separated by a police „cordon”
March 20 – the slogans of the peaceful demonstration.
Contrasting styles: Előd Kincses counsellings the crowds at a difficult moment on March 20, Attila Jakabffy stands by him.
Evening of March 20. Romanians attacking under the cover of tanks.
Close range fighting after the Romanian attack.
The traditional work tool and its user from Hodac.
Bild am Sonntag (March 25, 1990) reporting that the severely injured victim in front of the Grand Hotel, filmed by the Irish television, was Ioan Săcarea. According to the Romanian media propaganda, the victim was Mihai Cofariu.
The testimony of neurosurgeon Dr Árpád Kisgyörgy, who saved Mihai Cofariu’ life.
„Korcsi” – egy román, akit magyarnak néztek a hodákiak
This truck carried across the main square, striking dead one Hungarian before crashing into the steps of the old Greek Uniate Church, killing one of the Romanian passengers. The truck that killed Zoltán Kiss, Hungarian demonstrator,
by running him over.
After the event: the army finally deploys in strength early March 21.
But only the broken glass was left
Ioan Judea nyilatkozata a Demokrata 2005. március 17-i számában
Report of the Mureş county public prosecutor about proceedings apropos the events of March 16, 19 and 20-21, 1990.
At this point, 23 criminal proceedings were initiated; 19 suspects were placed in pre-trial custody
(12 Gypsies, 6 Hungarians and one Romanian).
The list of those detained and of those convicted – exclusively Hungarians and Hungarian Gypsies
who had exercised their right to self-defence.
At home again after five and a half years.
Letter from the Hungarian Prime-Minister József Antal
Letter from the Hungarian President Árpád Göncz